Monkey See

I’m someone who learns well from examples. Sometimes I find it hard to learn without examples. For this reason I tend to like ttrpgs that have really explicit mechanics and instructions about what we’re doing and how we’re supposed to do it. A strong brief and a strong sense of the core idea is vital to getting me on board.

This is why I’ve always been a fan of games based on pre existing media, and emulation in general. It’s also why I want my games to be filled with examples – example characters, examples of play, the lovely Japanese trend of replays, and of course prewritten scenarios and adventures. Hooks and prompts are a good start but you need to show me how to write one and show me the finished product. This might be an autism thing – we’re very emulative. And with me if I spend five minutes with a person I will be copying their accent and mannerisms. So it could be just a very me thing.

How true that is – as in, to what degree this is mostly/only a Steve problem – determines whether any of the following thoughts are useful, so I’m posting this partly as a question: how much do examples guide you in how you approach an RPG?

There are lots of ways this manifests. I don’t, for example, typically like games that ask you to come up with a concept for your character before you start chargen. Thats what chargen is for! This is why I like to do it randomly. It’s also I suppose why I don’t like games or GMs that ask me to describe what I’m doing before I roll the dice – that’s what the dice is for.

More dramatically, it prevented me from getting into D&D as a kid. A lot of silly people will demand that rpgs aren’t emulating media but that’s exactly how they were designed. The magic system in D&D was taken from the Dying Earth, the setting from lord of the rings, and the combat explicitly from the Errol Flynn Robin Hood. The alignment system was furpm the Elric books. The classes were roughly from Conan and the Fahrfhd books. The idea of going off and fighting shit in caves mostly comes from Ray Harryhausen movies about Sinbad the Sailor. Very swiftly a bunch of other insane shit was added like priests from Hammer horror films, lovecraftian demons, poorly understood ideas of medieval history and a bunch of rubber dinosaurs. And then Beastmaster came along so they jammed that film in too.

Nowadays it is probably hard to understand because D&D dominates culture so hard but that produced a combination that wasn’t exactly representative of fantasy fiction at the time. If D&D hadn’t become so insanely popular until it made these things normal it would stand out more how bizarre and chaotic a lot of it was. But more importantly it depended on being inside a subculture. If you hadn’t grown up with those books and movies, it didn’t make much sense.

Enter me at age 11, who has read two and only two fantasy books: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and The Hobbit. I have seen a total of one fantasy film: The Neverending Story. It will be twenty years before I see Conan, thirty before I see Beastmaster (which cleared up so much). I try to understand D&D but it’s really hard. I don’t know what any of it means. I know dragons guard gold in mountains, sure, but what the fuck is an orc?

Two years later I find TMNT which is set in a universe I understand, because I have seen Die Hard and a dozen other action films. And kids cartoons which are basically the same thing. That makes sense. I’m home.

Years later I bounce off other games which are either really open or a little harder to pin down. I cannot get my head around how to play Nobilis or why anyone would want to. I didnt really get the world of darkness (I didn’t see the crow till later). I’m currently reading Unknown Armies and until it mentioned Twin Peaks I thought it was about Elmore Leonard. And it is a bit, yes. But you wouldn’t pitch it as an Elmore Leonard game. I remember trying to play cyberpunk and nobody telling me what kind of characters to make or what they were supposed to do. My first and second characters in that game were killed by “obvious traps” because “I should have known they were traps”.

I tended to find my home in history: ars magica, call of Cthulhu, blue planet become my favourites. And genre as I said: ghostbusters and Buffy are the two games I’d save from a house fire or a meteor strike, and TMNT has my boyish heart. Now I design games where you can’t do anything but follow strict genre cues. The system simply won’t let you.

And I find a lot of games really do end up back at finding the media you know to get you started. Even if they’re in a totally unique setting – especially if they are – they come back to “have you ever seen a coen brothers film? It’s like that”. When I was working on the first 40K rpg we had an in-house brief that went: “it’s the A Team fighting Cthulhu in Star Wars”. Obviously we can’t always put these things in our texts; certainly not on our branding. But if we keep doing this, we should recognise how vital it is. How it’s the core of what we’re doing and so it should be core to the rules we write. The only reason D&D appears not to need this is it invented its own genre and rewrote pop culture around that.

Maybe im wrong though. Maybe nobody else needs this but me. Maybe everyone got world of darkness fine. Or maybe they’d seen a bunch of vampire movies to give them context. And maybe it’s about time we admitted this and put it front and centre in our designs.

Let me know your thoughts. You know, like in the movies where everyone responds to a viral post.

Whither Railroad? How Do We Actually Build Narrative in GMed TTRPGs

Since the very beginning of TTRPGs there’s really only been one question that matters – at least to me. One point of difficulty, one point of tension: how do we build narrative in a game, especially one where we can do anything?

feels rude that the humble railroad be blamed for everything bad in RPGs

Don’t get me wrong, sometimes the answer is “we don’t”. We don’t want to and we’re not expecting to. But clearly that ship has sailed for a lot of people. It’s certainly not how D&D markets itself. Another answer is “exegesis”, as in we let random shit happen and build a story in our heads later that makes it make more sense as a logical progression and with narrative payoff. This is often done during the game as well – “You crushed your perception check? Well I guess this random goblin DOES know the way to the mines, because that makes it more satisfying”. As humans, we kind of do this instinctively, to everything in our lives so it’s natural for us to do it to games, even when they are completely random.

Another answer we’ve had is “eh, whatever, I don’t run pregenerated scenarios”. That I have always felt is not a good answer. Neither is “I do run them, but I completely change them.” People buy these products, especially now (Strahd was huge!) and I used to only be able to run games I had adventures for (and it’s still really the only thing I find interesting as a GM). Often there is a self-fulfilling prophecy at work here: people say they don’t want these product because they are always bad, so they don’t buy them, so the products have no incentive to get better. Yet when they are good, in the past, people flock to them – The Enemy Within, Murder on the Orient Express, Fly to Heaven, these things are legends. Or they were, I think that ship has perhaps also sailed. The rise of the indie scene and the absolute conquest of D&D has meant there’s less and less money in the centre for mainstream products that aren’t D&D, so there’s no “experimental” campaigns any more. Indie designers, so far, have decided not to care much about this idea, or approach it in a different way. Which is interesting, too.

(The indie/old school revived scene has also sort of kicked off “West Marches” as a term, but I’ll come back to that.)

Another answer that I don’t think is useful is “play zero prep games” or “learn to run with zero prep”. One big reason this isn’t useful is it is usually delivered with a degree of smugness as if as soon as the GM learns this One Weird Trick they will stop living in the stone age and, scales falling from their eyes, discover they never needed to prep at all. There are a few problems with this beyond tone. One is that a lot of “zero prep” things aren’t entirely zero-prep, because they kind of expect some prep to be effectively zero (for example, reading the game/source material, or reading and learning how to do the zero prep in the first place). Another is that it only works for certain games, certain play styles and certain GM styles.

And as I say I think that’s actually the question that matters – what do we want in an unfolding narrative and how do we get it, and how do we use both a human moderator to get it and a pre-written story to get it? I actually think computer games are way ahead of TTRPGs when it comes to that latter element, because not having a human moderator they actually set out to solve this problem. In some cases, sure, the computer players have just learned to go along with the fact that the story will be clunky, or with railroading (the cutscenes don’t change no matter what you did in the play scenes, or you just go from story check point to story checkpoint) but in many cases there have been incredible leaps in storytelling both in terms of nudging into narrative and exegesis narrative. I’m not up to date in this field at all but in my own experience the Monkey Island games for example, were full of puzzles that didn’t block exploration and gave a sense of telling a great story, and the way that Gone Home used a few locked doors to make the story happen in a strong sequence of reveals while still using puzzles to make it feel like a game was extraordinary.

But are we applying this new learning to writing TTRPG written adventures? Not really, I fear, because of all the above. Some might say we shouldn’t because of all the above or because we have that human brain to do it for us. But that latter one ignores the question of HOW our brains do it. Because in the end we do it a lot like the computer games do it, which is to say we have two basic concepts of story construction (leaving aside purely random or mechanical outcomes that are recontextualized post-facto):

  • Area based, which is to say that if players go to a certain location in space in the world, the GM/adventure/prep has decided/decides what is there and what the players find out
  • Consequence based, which is to say the adventure is structured as a series of if/then logic gates. These gates can be incredibly complex, but in essence they are “if the PCs do this kind of thing, this kind of thing happens”.

In most cases, we tend to use both at once, I think. If players don’t go to a place for a long time, something might happen because of that, or if they go there instead of somewhere else, that’s a consequence choice.

I am avoiding the terms “railroad” and “sandbox” here because I find people actually disagree on what they mean. Some consider the classic D&D dungeon crawl a railroad, because the players can’t really leave. They have to progress through rooms, and find the big bad. On the other hand, others would call that sandbox because they can go to any room they want, in any order, no matter what. And in that case, a railroad feel stronger to those players, it feels like no choice at all. And I think we should avoid jargon as much as we can because people use the same words to mean different things all the time, or to attach bad or good feelings to them that aren’t part of it.

Definition drift and terms being altered or misunderstood is something that happens in every field but it seems very strong in TTRPGs. I think this is because we don’t have the kind of language base we need to talk about this, and as a result language always seems to swiftly become a form of attack. What you described on this forum or blog is bad, evil, wrong roleplaying/GMing, or what system X wrote is revolutionary brand new roleplaying. See above about how we treat zero prep like it is this great salvation – and how that makes us feel judged and devalued, too. And this vagueness I think is why people feel uncomfortable with the idea of actual plays and paid GMs – we haven’t actually worked out what good GMing really IS, so it feels rude to say mine or yours isn’t worth watching or worth paying for…

Speaking of definition drift, because I’ve been talking about this online for …. (thinks in head) thirty years, I invented some of the popular terms for it. I invented Pixelbitching, which was a word for when there’s one specific thing a GM wants you to do, but to preserve a sense of player agency, there are no massive context clues which thing that might be. Don’t look for the secret door in room 12? You’ll leave the dungeon thinking there was nothing there. That might be fine in a very “sandboxy” campaign, but it can be devastating to enjoyment if you want some sort of sense of where the GM might have put some things to interact with or if it is used to penalize you for “playing wrong”. I’ve played far too many convention scenarios where at the end the GM has gone “oh you know how you felt like you had no direction? that’s because you didn’t talk to NPC X” or “the reason the monster killed you all at the end is because you didn’t talk to NPC X who had all the clues”.

To counter this, I always said that I tended to figure out what I want the players to know (and indeed, sometimes the cool things that I think they might do) and put them wherever the players go or with whomever they might talk to. This was then labelled Illusionism, and has become to be now very taboo, with a lot of extra things attached to it. And it also has problems: if the plot is everywhere the PCs go, then the players can just go “we talk to the first person we meet”. That sounds unreasonable and it is, but a close equivalent is “I roll Gather Information to see who to talk to – because my character would know.” It is a golden rule that you should not expect your players to be as smart or as charismatic as their characters…but it is also a golden rule that “I roll my Smarts to figure out how to solve this adventure” is no fun.

To me what I conclude from this, overall, is that RPGs are actually a kind of agreed upon pretence. The players agree to pretend as if they are not in a story, and are acting only for their characters survival and viewing everything as if it is natural and real to them, but will of course do no such thing when they see opportunities for great plot hooks and dramatic things to do. Meanwhile the GM pretends that everything the players do is a free choice and they are merely reacting as the universe might, while doing no such thing when they see opportunities for great plot hooks and dramatic scenes to build. The exceptions are prompt games like The Score or games that are specifically about creating narrative elements like Hillfolk or Smallville, although even then we enter the stance of “now I’m playing my character who doesn’t know that we just had a Dramatic Conflict, and doesn’t know they live in a soap opera”. And let’s be clear, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this. We’ve all seen horrible writing where the characters are too genre savvy or they seem saved entirely by plot armor; we’ve also all seen films where we know that the hero will win but we understand he cannot act as if knows that, and our feeling of suspense is not undercut by our knowledge that it will all turn out alright. The lie is built into fiction, so there’s no problem with it being built into RPGs.

But even if we all agree on this, we still have a question of “how do we decide what happens”. My friend is of an improv school and one time a player had an idea and I could see how he completely rejigged a scene so the player idea would be super useful. As he explained, in improv they are taught to follow what others say. But I’ve seen other GMs go “look no I already said he was too far away, that idea won’t work,” or “you don’t have that skill” or “you’ll need to roll really well”. It’s not “wrong” or “blocking” to give weight to established in world-truths, or to make it feel hard for the players. I’ve had a player once blame me for their character dying because I knew their character was at the back of the line and I had skaven attack with poison, and I honestly had just chosen how skaven do things and let the dice decide – it was nothing personal. Meanwhile I’ve also run games where to me, the players had zero choice about really anything. My notes were: players arrive at the hospital, they encounter weird stuff, they get clues XYZ, the patient tries to kill himself, they stop him, they convince the ghost to leave”. And it all happened just like I said, around all the dramatic events I listed. The players at the end said they felt like they had more agency and control than in most adventures they played, and they had all the choices in the world.

One of my rules of RPG Theory is that often the actual play events visible to the outsider are identical regardless of what theory or style of play or GMing you’re using. In practice, that is, even the players at the table cannot tell how the GM is making their decisions. Nor can the GM tell of the players. Thus a GM railroading a dungeon crawl and some virtuoso improv god building a wide open sandbox might actually appear identical to everyone involved. That said, the players and GMs still have to make decisions internally. And that is going to involve either a if/then thought or a what’s over there thought. It’s also going to involve (as so many theorists have come to conclude) what kind of thing matters more: a really cool dramatic/narrative structure, the power of an experience being curated for the players and the needs of the players right now, the story the GM wants to tell, the truth of what the PCs can do and what the rules say about that, the truth of the dice rolls, the truth of the world and the coherence of the setting. And there’s how much we want to control for those values, so that the ones we want come through and the others don’t. And how hard we hit those things.

I actually have a lot of trouble with this because I just like people so much (and fear conflict so much) I don’t want to hurt them. So eventually my GMing became worthless because I was like “Of course you can kill the dragon and be king – you’re awesome! Don’t even roll!” or I collapsed into the opposite and started blocking and pixelbitching. And so I keep asking questions and trying to get into what people really think. And it starts by I think stepping away from railroad and sandbox because nobody really actually knows what you mean. They have too much emotion tied to them and too little definition. Let’s try instead to go “what are the goals here” (eg to feel like we are heroes of a story) and how much are we pretending those aren’t the goals in order to achieve the other goals (eg pretending we’re not the heroes of the story, as all fictional characters must)? So far I’ve found GMs have an enormous difficulty trying to actually explain these things out loud. They just “know”. And I think we also kind of just know when it’s done poorly.

But if we can find actual words, without prejudgement and without vanishing up our own asses, or trying to force everything into categories, maybe we can go from that to figuring out good ways to put those things into prewritten scenarios, and make those interesting as hell. Even if we admit that in executing them, it is also important to have a human brain, who can adjust when things don’t work perfectly. That’s why every escape room has a radio or a telephone: because everyone who knows anything about games knows that you can’t just set things up and expect every game to work for every group to produce the perfect outcome of fun every single time. But admitting that a human brain is needed doesn’t stop escape room design from being a fine art, and the same goes for scenario design.

I mean I’ve only been saying that for 30 years….this time, Rocky, for sure.

The Atomic RPG Action

Here’s a thing I’ve been thinking about it recently. It comes up a lot when we play The Score but it also sneaks into other RPGs all the time – and I think we probably find ways to do this kind of thing more than we might imagine, but it’s not written down in any rulebooks. And pretty much the entire history of RPGs is thinking of things people are actually doing and turning them into written rules.

First, let’s do an example, and I’ll do Star Wars again because I’m old. Luke wakes up to find his new droid has wandered off into the desert. He goes looking for it, and finds signs of sandpeople. He pulls back to see if he can see them from a distance, and they – having set a trap – ambush him and knock him out. He is saved at the last moment by the appearance of a strange figure using crazy mind powers, who is luckily, a person Luke has been thinking about.

Atomic comes from the Greek a-tmos, a as in not and tmos as in cuttable. Something you can’t cut divide any further..

As a writer, here’s how you might think about this scene: you want to establish some character beats. Luke isn’t as tough as he thinks he is. Obi-Wan has mysterious powers. We can show that by having a nice moment of “plot zig zag” – Luke finds the droid is gone (oh no), Luke finds the droid (hooray), Luke sees sand people (suspense), Luke is attacked (surprise), Luke is saved (hooray). You would write this all as one scene, and the chief purpose of the scene would be to get the two characters together in an interesting way, and establish some character and world building.

Obviously there isn’t and can’t always be a parallel between non-participatory storytelling and participatory storytelling, but here’s how this might look in an RPG: Luke would make a roll to see if he can find R2D2s trail. He succeeds! Then the GM has him roll perception to notice the sand people. He succeeds! He decides he will hide. The GM decides (somehow) that the sand people are setting up a trap so gives Luke some rolls to see if he can figure this out, like say Local Knowledge and Perception. Fail, and fail. Okay, Luke, give me a dodge roll. Fail? Okay they knock you out. But … I guess an old wizard comes along and stops them from eating you? Luke’s player will spend a point on his I Know This Guy stat to say this is an old mountain hermit he’s met a few times.

And at this point someone might go – and it might be the GM, and it might be in secret, or it might not – “oh, can that be the person my character, Princess Leia, was trying to find?”. And that’s the kind of thing I’m talking about. It’s a lot like retro-active continuity but done in the act of creation. It makes sense that this thing that we’ve already decided happened and that thing we’ve already decided happened are linked. Perhaps causally or through an heretofore unestablished connection. And like I say, I think we do this all the time.

So often when I’m generating random stuff from tables, I’m putting two or three things together so that they are linked like this. Which has got me pondering: is there a way to make this an explicit mechanic? In The Score I’ve been toying with the idea of drawing two cards at once, so that you can explain the failure of the first by the arrival of the second, or resolve the failure of the first with the success of the second. However particularly since the game is all about drawing cards, it tends to work better at the table if everything is atomic. And that’s when it hit me: almost everything we do in TTRPGs is atomic like this. The example above was something you might call a scene but each roll stood on its own. The GM might have prepared several ways the encounter might have gone, and seen that as a cohesive whole but each roll was “what happens now, at this point” with Luke rolling to see if he gets a yes or a no or a sort of outcome. The story branches around these atomic choices. And that’s fine…

…but if you were writing this scene, you’d write this at the very least as a one-two punch. First this, then that. Luke takes a hit, gets rescued. You’d get the two things at the same time.

There are some systems that can work like this. You could do a scene-based resolution where say, Luke’s trying to “find R2D2” and he gets a yes but, and the player decides that he gets ambushed then saved. In this case though the test is still a kind of an atomic thing – a yes no maybe of “does this happen”. And if you go out to this step, the scene with Obi-Wan is connected to Luke not being at home when the stormtroopers arrive and to Luke finding Obi-Wan and getting some of his backstory.

Alternatively you could have a tug-of-war style system (like in Dogs in the Vineyard or Cortex) where the GM is playing “planetary threats” and there’s a back and forth wagering until finally Luke wins but with a sacrifice (he takes a wound, say). This does get to the idea that we build in connections and outcomes but it does still feel like we’re trying to solve a singular situation. We have a procedural scene: Luke wants to achieve an outcome and rolls to determine if he does. And certainly we can start with that idea and bring in what I’m talking about, because “solving a problem” is a pretty standard core RPG mechanic.

But what I’d like to see is something that steps outside the atomic. Imagine a situation where every roll in an RPG is always two rolls, in the sense of we’re getting two ideas we want to link together. This isn’t the same thing as rolls that produce lots of information, like in the Genesys system, because that still feels to me sealed inside the atomic concept. Although again, that’s probably a good way to come at this problem – it might be that we’ve solved this issue already, with this idea. But I’m curious about what else we might do. Another way to think about this is systems where everyone rolls their initiative at the start of the round so you know that when you finish your action, who is coming next. Similarly the Balsera Initiative system where you decide who goes next is going to prompt into this area as well. What we want is for players to think about connections, and what just happened and what’s about to happen is a start.

But what if whenever Bob the Fighter wants to do X we get Eric the cleric to roll for whatever they are doing next? Of course you’ll say they don’t know what they’re doing next, but we often DO have some idea. Maybe Bob is trying to bust down the door and Eric the Cleric is going to blast some spells. Roll both. Then explain and describe the whole thing when you know all the things coming into the scene. In this case there’s basically four outcomes, but they’re all kind of interesting. Can Bob fail to get the door down but Eric look badass when casting spells? Maybe. If I was writing that scene, I’d have Bob hit the door, hurt himself, have a comedy beat and then a skeleton shoot out of the door a second later and getting blasted. Or maybe the door opens but Bob goes sliding in, looks up and sees a skeleton about to kill him – and then Eric saves his life. If Bob wins and Eric wins, then it’s a moment of two comrades acting in perfect synchronicity. If Bob wins and Eric fails then Bob slams open the door only for the skeleton to shoot past him and Eric’s faith to fail. If they both fail…the skeleton kicks the door open, knocks Bob down and Eric fails to get his holy symbol up.

Of course all of those situations can be achieved with atomic rolls but I hope you can see how starting with lots of information coming into something BEFORE we interpret the roll, we can get different results. And that currently, we mostly do RPGs where each player makes an atomic choice and gets a singular answer back from the system before we move on. And there’s probably a whole other series of things we could be doing that aren’t atomic like this. Games naturally teach us to take turns and keeping things atomic does mean that each player feels independent and in control. Turns, in other words, make sense. But they’re not the only way to play. We don’t take turns in tug of war – we all come in at once.

I do not have the answers here. I only have this question, this start of an idea. I’m putting it here because I want to see someone take it somewhere. Because that’s what I’m talking about – collaboration. Collaboration, like narrative, is rarely atomic. Let’s see where we can go, not just one step at a time, on our own.

Convention Calculus: Is Going to a Con “Worth It”?

Warning: Your Gaming Convention May Contain Nerds

A few people have asked me recently about if they should try to sell at conventions, and what kinds of conventions are there, and how many are there and which are the big ones, the important ones, and the good ones. Those are big questions that are actually hard to answer, because it all depends on what your game is, what kind of customers you want, and what types of conventions and convention spots bring those two things together. So this isn’t a recommendation; rather it is a guide to understanding the con you’re considering, so you can answer those questions yourself.

In 1987 in an effort to get any kind of live music to come down to Texas, an independent music magazine in Austin called South By South West Music had a little festival. Now it’s one of the biggest brands in the world, and it attracts massive film companies and computer game companies to launch their new products, while also gluing on tech, capitalist/startup stuff, and “creatives”. Last year it went global and arrived in Sydney with an event so big nobody knew U2 and the Rolling Stones both launched albums at it.

The point is that “conventions” are big things, in the sense that they contain lots of ideas. Just as there are still small town musical festivals now, the original forms of gaming conventions haven’t gone away. And what it means is that there’s a whole array of conventions out there, and you need to know what kind of con you’re going to, if you’re keen to demo or sell your games. It can also be important to know what kind of convention the convention BEGAN as, because that will usually effect how it grows and how it identifies itself. The original conventions were wargaming based. Wargaming grew out of toy-soldier collectors who were used to all getting together in places and showing off their collections and these kinds of “collector conventions” also still exist, but they don’t have games. Wargaming cons still exist and often other conventions are built around them. Sometimes you’ll get ten wargamers still showing up for their important, yearly-scheduled events angry that the parking lot is filled with cosplayers…

Gaming and gamer are now nigh-meaningless terms, and cons find themselves trying to cater to a massively diverse crowd, sometimes with zero crossover. You might have six year old speed-cubers, chess, bridge or scrabble players from around the world holding tournaments, you might have CCG showdowns worth millions of dollars, cosplayers who spend all year building incredibly accurate tributes to an anime you’ve never heard of (but millions of people have), twitch stars, youtube celebrities, movie and TV celebrities, jedi sword practice, movie previews, arcade areas, crafting tutorials, JANOME selling sewing machines next to the sex fetish booths, strippers and burlesque, freeforms, LARPs with hundreds of people, boffer LARPs, juggalo matches, sword fighting demonstrations…PAX AUS even has a quiet corner for people who want to bring their own machines for LAN parties. And there’s a crazy con in NSW called IronCon which is for professional blacksmiths, collectors of weird old farming machines, steam punk cosplayers and medieval swordfighters.

I wouldn’t want to be a convention organiser and juggle all or even some of that. Most don’t do all of them, but knowing what they do and don’t cover and focus on will help you get your bearings. Broadly speaking, when it comes to games, cons at least start from two positions: as what I will call PLAY CONS and TRADE CONS.

Your play con starts because a bunch of people want to get together and play games. If this is wargames or CCGs, then you often have to have a lot of organising of the tournament, people might to pre-register their army lists or their deck lists, and there’s a lot of structure around who plays whom when. If it is board games there may be tournaments as well but there’s less need to organise quite so much. RPGs are in the middle: they need to typically have some timed sessions, if not all, and those need GMs to pre-register and provide a blurb to attract players. Play cons tend to be focused around these scheduled events which means that although they can have big open areas to play, they are often held in schools and similar places so everyone can run away to private rooms for their sessions. This has a knock-on effect of reducing how much space there is for “general milling” as I call it, and the trade floor. Even though they don’t focus on sales, these cons will still usually have some people selling something, especially as the costs to set up are often very low or free. Similarly game runners/demoers are often given space for free.

Trade cons arose out of just that: conventions where small businesses, designers or people across a trade gather to show off their ideas to buyers, who might be regular consumers or perhaps professionals in related fields or people looking to become investors or to start up franchises. In the case of games, you are generally selling games to the public, even if they are still in prototype stage or you are doing pre-promotion. Sometimes you are also testing things, and that is a kind of pre-promotion! The Mecca of game design is the con held at Essen each year called Spiel. It’s always been where the biggest european companies both reveal their new releases and test/preview what’s coming in the next few years. In these cons, the whole focus is the trade floor. There might not even be anything but the trade floor, or just lip service to things. Lip service being a key word: the bigger the trade con, the more it can spend on marketing and the more it wants to present itself as for all kinds of gamers. They can say they support the local industry; that doesn’t mean they do. And of course there are plenty of ways to do that! It’s not necessarily a convention’s duty to let local designers in free, especially when some of them might be vastly more wealthy than some guy operating out of his garage.

What this issue really comes down to is understanding or trying to get a sense of how the event makes its money, and how it spends money. Small, play focused cons often have volunteers, cheaper venues and lower costs as a result, and are generally run with the idea of recouping their costs mostly from attendees. Because they are smaller and – on the surface – aren’t focused on selling, they cannot attract Nintendo or Rio Grande or Hasbro, so they give great deals for people who want to demo games or run game stalls, or both. Whereas, primarily, the main way that conventions make money is from selling booths. There are “whale” packages they will sell to customers, but they aim to keep customer prices down and numbers high. Customers will push through a crowd and see it as a selling point – and indeed, it is a selling point for stall holders. But there’s only so much space to go around, so the prices for booths are set at a premium. In Australia, PAX booths are I think around $3-4000 for just a small one. Now PAX also has some wonderful cheaper options as well, for local designers. Just because their model is around selling booth space doesn’t mean they’re bad to go to for local designers.

The thing about booths on trade floors, though is you are competing against people who may have astronomically bigger budgets than you, to take up more floorspace, pull in more volunteers, have shinier banners. And that’s always going to happen: Booth Envy is real and it will hit you. Prepare for it. But remember that doesn’t mean they’re a bigger success than you, because they might have mortgaged their house to get that art and the booth space. Or they have some way to get stuff for free that you don’t, like they are a graphic artist or something. On the flip side, at a play con you might just have a table with one pull-up banner at the most. Some times even Trade Cons have strict rules about what you can and can’t have as trade dress in these kind of areas. This means you can be on a much more level footing. You and Hasbro are just the same package: a guy with handouts. Maybe you have sweets as well. But that’s a cheaper set up.

Now, in some cases you cannot sell games if you’re demoing, but this is more the case in Trade Cons. Because people have paid a premium to get booth space, you can’t get to demo or playtest in the design area and still make sales. Meanwhile, at a play con, you can probably sell anywhere you like, right there at the demo table even. They don’t even have to stand up and go over to your stall. Likewise trade cons might have rules about having people in the game library or freeplay area doing demos of your stuff, but there are ways to turn a trade con into a play con. Usually at trade cons I have volunteers running the hell out of my games in the RPG area, while I run the booth on the trade floor. That way I’m getting both types of customers.

Which brings us to another vector about cons: who are the customers? Again the kind of con will determine that. If they are aiming wide, they might get a lot of people who aren’t in your demographic which means even if there’s ten times the number of people walking past, you might be getting one tenth of the sales than at other cons. On the other hand, the ratio might indeed be more in your favour – it is okay if you get lower interest rates at cons crammed with people – and if your game is widely appealing you might desperately want access to less traditional markets. Likewise people in your demographic shop in different ways. A smaller con focused on play is full of people who might not be super-motivated to buy and in no mood to browse. But they might be in a huge mood to TEST, and they also have less things crying out to be spent on. How long do they come for? Play cons often run well into the night which means they have more time to sit down and try things. Big trade cons tend to sell a lot of one day tickets and offer too much stuff. Some cons really focus on families and kids run out of steam fast. Others focus on teens who have no budget.

And all of this then intersects with what kind of game you have. Is it long or short? Easy to teach or hard to pick up? What is the play count? Is it loud or soft? Does it attract attention when played and thrive under a crowd? Or does it find its best moments when in a quiet spot? Any of these games can go to any convention but it depends on how you present things. Blood on the Clocktower has been a huge financial success and never, ever had a booth at any convention I saw them at. Instead they focused on finding a quiet space to play for significant time periods, in organized games, because that is where that game thrives so much. They found a way to do that at every con they went to. When I designed Relics, it was much the same, it needed to be run for 2+ hours in the RPG area, but I also found ways that I could get into the demo/designer space and show Relics to folks walking buy. That rarely, if ever led to sales. So I went away and designed The Score, which takes literally ten minutes to play and is dead easy to learn and looks great on the table. That’s my “booth” game. Now it suits some booths more than others – it doesn’t sell itself on the art and heft alone. It works best IF I can get the demo, where I have a high conversion rate to sales. So it’s a game I want to have in a space people are walking slowly, and might spend five or ten minutes. So I probably wouldn’t try to sell it, as is, at a PAX booth. Relics looks mighty and chunky and that helps, but if I wanted to sell it, I would need my whole booth to look super DARK AND GOTHIC with black curtains and massive mockups of the tarot cards and maybe sell t-shirts and jewelry as well. Relics does sell okay in a demo, but at a Trade Con the people coming to play RPGs aren’t making a lot of sales, but those demo games lead to a good impression that often creates a sale LATER. If I was however selling it at a booth I would lean into its aesthetics and it would be about pulling walkers-by with the whole VIBE. of the game. Different cons require different strategies/games; and so do different areas at the con.

Know the con, know the space you’re in and the style of presentation that drives, and thus you’ll know what kind of customers you will get, and what kind of game to bring. Then and only then can you start to figure out the conversion rate of walkers-by to hearing-the-spiel, from spiel to demo and demo/spiel to sale. I do not know how to measure this very well for my own games, so I certainly cannot tell you what your metrics will look like for your games.

What I can say is having been taking product to conventions since 2017, we find it is the best money return on advertisement spent, because people at conventions are there to look at things you are showing them, and because nothing beats the personal touch. Sales ultimately is about building a relationship of trust with the customer. You are not there to lie to them or pressure them or confuse them or get them to buy something they don’t want. You are there to say “this is a thing that is cool and it might be your next favourite thing – and you can trust me that it does everything I say it does”. Everyone gets that they need to present their product as being interesting and cool and fulfilling a need but people often forget the last part of the pitch, that part about establishing trust. And this is best done in person but also? It is best done over time. The people who go to conventions tend to go back, and year after year, your sales continue to work on them. There is an old sales rule that people need seven “touches” – seven encounters of the product or its message before they become ready to consider a sale. Each of those touches is a reassurance to them that you are reliable and dependable, even if it’s just an illusion created by seeing the same advertisement over and over. You can get that effect by being at a convention over and over again, giving of yourself, giving away free stuff and prizes, running demos, contributing to the success of the event and to the happiness of people who pass by.

Which is the other thing about conventions: you’ll probably never make your money back on sales on the day. You might not even on sales down the road. But sales down the road are hard to know where they come from. For me though, they seem to come the most from conventions. Two, three, four years later, I’ll hear “oh we played that a few years ago and now we remembered to get it”. And for me, while I love a sale, I also love being remembered. It’s one thing to have someone enjoy your game, a huge thing for them to turn that into a sale, but to also have people remember you from years and years ago? To come back to see you again? That means you made an impression. Maybe even a subconscious one – buried until they see you again. That’s why I go to cons, I suppose: to turn playing my games into a sweet muscle memory for the players.

Review: Aristocracy

They say there are two types of RPGs: large ones full of options but aren’t really about anything and need you to give them meaning and narrow ones that are really focused on being about one thing the author wants you to play so you only tend to use them once or twice. Generic, setting-agnostic RPGs are the former but even more so. It’s hard – maybe impossible – for them to be about anything without risking their chief goals of being widely applicable and infinitely flexible. It’s hard for them to even be interesting since they’re designed to be so neutral and even formulaic at times. A handy tool to do anything you want has trouble standing out – and outside of the granddaddy GURPS, has trouble selling too. Aristocracy, by Kylan Day, promises “broadsheets” that will provide setting hooks, although none have been announced yet. Also not yet visible is why the game is called Aristocracy. Maybe the plan is to be at the top of a list of RPGs, but then you’d want to be Aardvarks At Home: A Cutecore PAstoral Game of Insecure Insectivores. But I digress.

Actually, no, while I’m here, setting agnostic would mean we don’t know if we have a setting or not. It should be setting absent. But anyway.

Aristocracy works hard to stand out at least visually. For a first game, the layout is slick and attention grabbing with a good use of colour, which helps somewhat with all the page flipping needed. The art is dynamic, colourful and occasionally dazzling but again suffers from being a wide range of styles and genres like the game. To truly catch any attention, however, a universal RPG needs a strong core mechanic that’s simple but powerful. Aristocracy delivers here. Almost everything in the game is a skill roll, and skills are either untrained (d6), trained (d8) or  focussed (d12). A 6 or a 7 is a success, an 8+ is a crit. You always roll five dice, so if you have no points in something it’s just 5d6 (which gives you a 60% chance of success, if you want the maths). You’ve got three main ways of messing with your dice – rerolling as many as you want, nudging a die up by one (but not off a 1, which is a botch), or upgrading a dice up a level from a botch to failure to success to a crit. You can also downgrade the other way. This allows for powers to provide three levels of dice control, but I do wonder if it’s hard to tell the difference. A reroll could at times be way more beneficial than an upshift, mathematically, and they all kind of feel the same? It would have been simpler to just give out one or bumps, say. Especially when we learn that some powers give bumps, some rerolls and some shifts, and there is no rhyme or reason which happens when. Worse, there’s no symmetry: good attribute give re-rolls, weak attributes give downshifts. Also, as clever as the dice pool system is, it’s not intuitive.Is 1/0/4 better than 0/3/2? By how much? What about 2/1/2 vs 1/4/0?

Speaking of attributes they are (sitting beside fifteen fairly standard skills) Brawn, Intelligence, Reflexes, Style, Perception are joined by Influence. This gives us a new kind of duality – we got dummy thic and twink as usual in Brawn/Reflexes, Book Smart and Street Smart in Intelligence/Perception and now we also add a Vader/Tarkin split in who got the swagger versus who pays the bills. It’s perhaps only moments of individuality like this that can set a universal RPG apart somewhat, and its a sign of the dedication behind Aristocracy that it has these touches of flair.

 Another touch of flair is the mechanic where one character each session is the Lynchpin, which means the story is all about them. This is typically combined with the powers that let you alter the story or scene in your favour; by keeping this big showy things to just one person you ensure that the hacker bricking the nemesis’ laptop doesn’t happen at the same time the seductress declares they are secretly in love with them. It doesn’t play a huge part in the game as a whole but it helps communicate an important piece of information to the players (this bit is about Doug’s character) in a sly, unintrusive fashion. I wish it did do a bit more, however – it would be nice to see this have more mechanical weight to bring home what the game is about. 

Skills and Attributes are also modified by Abilities, which are the Kewl Powers of the game and like the other two things, are doled out by choosing an Origin, a Species and two Careers, but before we get to those we have to learn about tracks.

Everything is tracks nowadays – what used to be clocks, and before that what we called hit points.In this case, there are bad tracks aka Danger Tracks, counting losses in health, wealth or willpower and good ones aka Progress Tracks which are like “did I find the lost tomb I’m looking for” or “are me and Mateo bros yet”. If you do an action that adds to a track, then at the end of the action you roll a d12 –  roll equal or under the number of ticks on the track and you take pain equal to how many ticks you have, and then drop it back down a ways. Otherwise you keep ticking things off. This creates a very interesting dynamic where if you keep doing dangerous things it might cause you a small injury but it will absolutely assuredly cripple you if it doesn’t do that. Likewise you are generally like to pour damage onto someone until they explode…but there’s some good odds that before then, they’ll take a major injury and get reset back. That’s interesting. I guess it could get weird if you take a whole bunch of tiny near-misses and then when you get one more punch you all of a sudden collapse like a deflating wind dancer, but any loss in “realism” is balanced by being dramatically and numerically interesting. 

Since everything is about successes along a track – and I mean EVERYTHING – success level always matters as a measure of volume. It’s not “oh four successes so you did quite well quite well”, because everything is a twelve-space track, so four is always a concrete number 30% better than three. And that makes all those Rerolls and Bumps and Upshifts potentially quite important. Every roll can be a negotiation with stats and math, and this makes “combat” full of choice and exciting. 

I say “combat” with the inverted commas because combat is any activity that’s trying to make a Danger Track go up. or a Progress Track go down. Likewise, a Weapon is something that does the former and a Tool is something that does the latter, and here is where we get into one of the major problems with Aristocracy: jargon. Weapons are Weapons in italics for unclear reasons and an attack that uses a weapon means an actin is WEAPONISED (which I think is in all-caps because it’s a trait?). That’s fairly straight forward but everything has a tag like this and things start snowballing out of control.

For example, let’s say your group wants to hire a pilot to fly you into a volcano, but the pilot is being a jerk so your character decides they want to leave the group, go off screen and come back with a suitcase full of money and just buy the whole fricking airline. That’s either a Dangerous Combat Action which adds I guess to a Get To The Volcano Travel track, with any Danger being added to the Wealth track, unless it isn’t Dangerous at all, or maybe there isn’t a track. Alternatively, since it’s off screen, perhaps its a Downtime Action which only occurs during Downtime. In either case it might require an Extended check, because you may be doing several things. But it may not require Extended Downtime, it depends how many Downtime Actions it requires. A Downtime Action is usually just one skill roll, but what you can actually do depends on if it is a Short, Standard or Extended Downtime, and that’s a GM call. An Extended check can still happen in Standard Downtime. Now this is me trying to acquire Progress so I’m attacking my Resources Track, and I’m using a Tool to do so (I’ve got a Tool called Mommy’s Credit Card). And if you use a Tool to attack a a Progress track you do double damage, but because I’m trying to get a Big Pay Day, the Extended test acts like it has UNNATURAL ARMOUR. Okay, so let me just check what the ARMOUR ability is…(flip flip flip) and if it is UNNATURAL …okay it means all damage is reduced by 3. Is this before or after I double the damage? (flip flip flip) Not sure. Doesn’t say. And if I succeed, I get a Hoard. (flip flip flip, check index, flip flip flip, oh here it is) A Hoard is a kind of Loot that is ONE USE and can wipe out Wealth Damage or allow you to Acquire Equipment that is Rare at reduced costs. (Flip flip flip) Okay so Rare items can only normally be achieved with a Side Quest, which it turns out is just a regular Acquire Equipment roll, except it is now Extended, and can have multiple characters roll on it, so now we set up a new Progress Track towards Buying The Entire Goddamn Airline, but the Hoard “reduces the cost”, but like, how? Does the reduced cost mean it just wipes out Wealth Damage which is what it already said it did anyway? Or does it just let us roll on the track to begin with? Or does it count as a Tool? Or does it let us do it at as a non-extended task? Is the Side Quest now still Armoured, given my Hoard? Is a small fleet of planes even Rare to being with? Ask the GM. No, look at his eyes. He’s frightened. Luckily he can turn to the equipment chapter (flip flip flip) where the modern day section might indicate what makes something Rare. No dice. It doesn’t list air vehicles at all. Hang on, what if instead of getting the money first I just do a Side Quest to get the airline? Airlines aren’t listed as Rare. Let’s say one helicopter. Still no air vehicles, but we could use a Van and grant it Alternate Movement? Does that change its rarity (flip flip flip)? 

It’s nice that all of this is genericised so I can reskin any item at all into a Tool that grants Progress, or even has Precision that cuts through Armour. That’s actually kind of fun, to imagine like okay, Precision removes Armour and big Pay Days are Armoured, so this person has some power that means his Side Quest heists are easy even when the Pay Days are big – so that Precise Tool might be “A Guy on the Inside”.. If I add three levels of Range to a Brutal Willpower attack, I can make anyone I can see anywhere surrender, even if they cannot see me, a power I call “Hey You Down There, Shut Up”. But if I’m reading through all the cool powers I get as a Fixer and I find out I can choose Resistance (Health) or Inspiration (Hazards) I wish it would just tell me what those things actually are. Resistance in this case means you can change any kind of damage into the brackets type, so my Fixer can turn financial damage into getting beat up. Or willpower damage into getting beat up. That’s actually a fun noir power – nobody can intimidate you, damage your finances or even run down your good name, it always just ends up being a boot to the face. Okay, so what’s Inspiration? Inspiration means I can grant allies a bump, but only during Hazards. What’s a hazard again? (Flip flip flip)

Don’t get me wrong, I think if you have intimate knowledge of this system, you can remember a lot of this. I think the designer could solve the airline problem in a second. But he doesn’t come with the book. 

The other benefit of everything being generic is that you can keep some lists short. You don’t need two abilities, one for financial issues and one for physical issues: if it’s hard to wear down it’s armour, if you can get through defences,it’s Piercing.But  If my raconteur gains Brutal in social situations, then all of a sudden this helpful jargon becomes vague again. Can I add it to attacks? Can I attack Travel tracks with that, even if it’s just me an my mechanic having a chat? Is it a tool or a weapon? Can it be both? And I have to remember that Brutal means more damage, instead of just reading in the stat definition – it doesn’t just say in the power “In X situations, add Y to Z”. And it’s not unified – some power ups give bumps, others rerolls, others flat bonuses. And some things on this list very specific, like Invisible, instead of some kind of Hard to Target power that slowly gets better. There’s also the ability to Portal into other dimensions which isn’t called something more abstract like Long Distance Travel (which should allow Travel tracks to…I guess cover more distance? Add Brutal?). Why is the first level of Invulnerable just being resistant to damage instead of actual invulnerability? Somethings use the jargon, some don’t, and some mix and match. 

And worse: sometimes things have the wrong names, aren’t called what you think they are or aren’t explained where you think they should be. A skill will be called an occupation, characteristics will get Expert instead of Enhanced or vice versa, new skills pop up without definition, and so on. 

I’m not looking for these problems. Making my first character, I decided to create a sci-fi concept which was “what if the alien from Alien was built to attack financial tracks instead of health tracks – the perfect thieving oranism.” My genetic perfection meant I always had an Accurate Tool appropriate to a task (any task? What’s a task?) but it can also be a Weapon, whereupon it counts as Brutal and Deadly. This means that if I’m using a Tool to move a thieving progress along, I have Accurate to those attacks (except it’s not an attack?) meaning I can reroll my dice, and the Tool allows me to do double “damage” to my progress. But if I attack someone’s Wealth, I do quadruple damage (because Brutal is x2, plus x2 for the Weapon) and my crits do extra damage (because of Deadly). But here is the question: when am I attacking someone’s wealth vs progressing thievery towards a goal? Or can I use it on any task related to this general area? Also, does my Poor Eyesight affect the roll, if we never said it was work that needed my eyes? I have no idea. I feel like I might be arguing with my GM a lot about both questions. I feel like my GM would be really sick of this. 

So we have a system that is hard to learn, hard to remember and hard to translate into meaning, scattered across the book in pieces, and all of which are drowning in jargon you need to look up elsewhere, which is sometimes inconsistent, unspecified or unclear, and that wants to be absolutely purely abstract but also constantly relies on “the description” added by the player or the GM to know when and where and how it works..On the other hand, the intent to keep things unified is achieved. When I rolled that one of my Careers was a Summoner, I groaned because hoo boy I did not want to learn more of these rules, but the assistants rules were no longer than anybody else’s – they’re just a kind of tool. Theoretically, in this system, a spyglass and a scouting robot would work exactly the same way, and that’s fine. It was actually more complicated figuring out what a Winning Smile does – I gain Rapid Piercing Weapon to make WIllpower attacks, which means my smile ignores WIllpower Armour and that defensive actions are downshiffed against them. I can imagine what Willpower Armour might look like – the person might not like me to begin with or be on the lookout for a scam. On the other hand, they could have Willpower Absorb, or WIllpower Invulnerable, or Willpower Resistance, in which case, my Piercing is useless. Will the GM choose to give my enemies Willpower Resistance? I think he will. 

And what, exactly, are defensive actions? I do not know. It is never defined. Combat is “always a contested roll” which seems to suggest that you are both attacking at once. Or both defending. And how do you defend against a smile? What Skill do I roll for that? 

That was fifteen hundred words of negativity, which is a lot. But I want to be clear why I’m struggling with the game, because it has a lot of power and passion behind it, and a lot of good writing. But every time I find something I like, I find the good Lord taketh away the next moment. The three kinds of Templates you snap together to make a character – Origin, Species and Careers – are full of really evocative entries that you just don’t see elsewhere. Careers include things like Merchant Princes, World Breakers, Sorcerers and Shadows…but then things get confused when we also have Chirugeon sitting next to Hacker on the same list. Yes, it says not to use Hackers in medieval games, but that information isn’t on the table I chose it from. Species includes “Protagonist” alongside obvious cyberpunk things like Drone, Rebuild, Geneforged and Uplift – if we’re all playing modern day cops, do we all just pick Protagonist? Origin includes Socialite but no clear reason why it’s different to Fixer, or how Criminal is different to Scoundrel. Yes you can grow up On the Streets or Rich and still end up a Scoundrel, but who is born a Pilot? Why is that an Origin? 

Combat also has some great stuff. Whenever you add to someone’s Damage track you roll to confirm that advance. If someone has taken three points of damage out of twelve, you need to roll a 1 2 3 to turn that into a minor effect. If someone has taken 10 points of damage you’ll convert that to a critical effect 84% of the time. So as mentioned you will rarely deal minor attacks and almost always convert to bone crunching owies. And it’s great that chapter four is full of whole bunches of options for these kinds of effects for players to choose from. Except it probably is going to slow down play to pass the book around every time a hit is confirmed. And some of them have tags that aren’t explained, and some require GM calls (I can do a coup de gras only if the target is prone but no effect causes prone as written. How do I make someone prone? Can I just say they are prone? Is it harder to hit them if I want to do that? How would I or the GM make this rule up on the fly?). 

Some of the tracks are great, especially when you realize there are lots of powers that you can activate by throwing damage on those. Got the Enemeis track? Then you can get Bumps or rerolls by leaving a trail of breadcrumbs or just pissing people off. But it’s sort of misnamed because Health and Wealth and Willpower are positive things, and I guess this is a Lack of Enemies that is being whittled away? Maybe it should be called People’s Tolerance for Your Bullshit. Secrets is another great one. I desperately need to make a character who gets buckets of powerups by running their mouth off when they shouldn’t, but has some amazing healing power to stop it coming back to hurt them (Restoration (Secrets)).. And I love that this can happen just by rolling 1s on your die rolls, when doing a Dangerous action – as in you don’t know when you’ll slip up and make a mistake. Now, which actions are Dangerous? I can’t remember. (Flip flip flip)

I think it’s exciting to have all these wonderful narrative realms to attack, damage and confirm wounds upon. It does mean you have to speak of everything in the abstract instead of the specific but it allows you to model anything you want with the same rules. And it’s exciting to have a system that has all that flexibility about what might be an attack, damage and health but comes complete with crunchy modifiers like Brutal, Accurate and Deadly. I do think games like GYRO and Cortex and Fate do some of the same kind of things with more elegance and approachability and are much easier to read – but I don’t think I’ve seen anything do it with this much interesting mechanical structure. It reminds me, more than anything, of DnD 4e, where everything could be reskinned as an attack somehow. But it doesn’t actually have the satisfaction of interesting tactical combat. 

But as I say, making this interesting abstract shopping list of powers apply to everything is conceptually fun and open to great builds. Having defined powers like Burst, Rapid, and Piercing means I can make every piece of equipment and every super power feel different in different ways – and I can apply that to every thing, every where. It’s like being a gunbunny in Shadowrun except the mods work for your charisma too, or your rugged individualism or your ability to walk a long way in the rainI can give my evil banker Burst financial attacks because he can attack lots of people at once. I can give an incisive reporter Piercing attacks against Secrets. I can protect myself against the wiles of saucy enemy agents by strapping on a device that gives me Armour and Defensive against romance attacks, while my nemesis, Captain Dick Longfellow, has supernaturally enhanced Style, and a Natural Weapon that is Deadly against Morality trackers. And now, finally, I can remember what all of that means – but I will forget, and have to look the damn things up again. Or get into an argument with the GM about how if I fire enough arrows it counts as a Burst not a Rapid attack, and all the king’s guards were absolutely close enough for it to count because Burst doesn’t define HOW near to each other enemies have to be.

Some of this is because of the nature of this book: a universal roleplaying game is not really a game at all, but a toolkit from which to construct an RPG, from which one then constructs a game. This is a resource of lots of rules to use to construct those RPGs. I think what would help the game would be a narrower focus. The design could pick exactly the right list of Origins, Species, Careers, plus tracks and Abilities that work for that setting, and simultarneously strip away much of the generalities, ambiguities and diversions. It would figure out exactly which tracks matter and how much crunch those tracks need and save space by cutting out every possible modulation and variation, and then maybe allowing them not to constantly be referred to with jargon. If it finally picked a cyberpunk setting, we could rob people for money instead of wealth units. And maybe see some more pregenerated characters so the skill system makes sense, or making our own can be smoother. These are in the works, so we will see where the game is in six months.

Until such products come along, I cannot recommend Aristocracy. It is certainly not more than the sum of its parts. However, it is a collection of some clever parts. The dice system is interesting, allowing lots of fiddling without ever rolling more than five dice. The idea of tempering every possible confrontation through the same mechanics and building modifying tags that work for any kind of battlefield is clever, and shows a confident design hand. The use of language in delineating the templates is deft and vivacious. At times, the reach has been audacious, even if some of the execution roughhewn. So while I don’t like the game as it is, I find myself hungry for the next thing to come. That’s worth something. 

How much you like this game depends on how much work you are prepared to do getting across all that style, terminology and complexity, and then tailoring it to the setting and game you want to play, and the game is not super helpful at guiding you through either of those steps. But maybe you like things a little rough. That’s between you and Captain Longfellow.

What Makes a Good Roleplayer? Duty, Honour, Glory, Verve

Back in 2002 I met an amazing game designer whose name escapes me, because I only remember his online handle. He was working on a game I’ve still never really seen anything like: a game of competitive storytelling. And look if you know or remember the game, do chime in. Players took on the role of great legendary figures facing terrible crises and would compete in describing how their figure would solve such a thing, and then the facilitating player would literally mark the players for how good their story was.

Now, generally, in games of shared storytelling we’re not here to make it an issue of quality because we’re trying to encourage wild creativity, radical acceptance and strong buy in, so as to create the best shared experiences. But having set up that this was an actual competition, the game was kind of amazing. A bunch of really talented story tellers trying to outdo each other produces incredible effects. But what I also never forgot was that the game had criteria. Of course it did: it wouldn’t be fair to just leave everything up a judge to use their personal opinions. Players deserve to know how they are being judged. The four primary criteria in the game were as follows:

  • Tradition, which was about embodying who your legend/god was and their vibe
  • Honour, which was about making sure that you showed respect to how big the problem was, not punking it out like it didn’t matter
  • Glory, which was being crazy awesome in how you defeated it
  • Verve, which was a placeholder for good writing and presentation, but also engagement and intensity.

These are excellent criteria for what makes good roleplaying too.

Much has been written on what makes good improv, of course. I cannot attempt to add to that discourse; I don’t know enough and there are very good books about it. From my brief improv training, finding your voice, trusting it and listening to it, and following others with full buy in were the two things I remember being taught. There wasn’t really a way to evaluate how good the dramatic material the improv was producing though. And again, some might argue there should not be such a thing. RPGs, unlike the game described above, aren’t competitive. And yet, don’t we all want to do them better? And if so, shouldn’t we measure not just enthusiasm, honesty, engagement, collaboration…but also how good our words and stories are? And try to make those things better? If so, then criteria is going to be vital.

I have a fearsome supervillain in my supers world called Yes Andrew who encourages your darkest impulses

Of course, Tradition and Honour overlap a lot with what makes quality improv. I renamed Tradition into Duty because Tradition felt a little bit too much about mythology. The Duty is to the setting, to the character you built and the characters of those around you. You want to not just treat them as real but also that they are consistent. You want the choices the other players have made to matter and leave an impact on the world, so it is your Duty to acknowledge them and be effected by them. That is something you’ll find discussed in improv skills, yes. If someone mimes a car, you can’t just mime riding a horse inside the car. Or walking next to it at walking pace. You kill their established truth. So I’m not really making new ground there.

Honour is also similar. Although good scenes can be built around status reversals and games of hierarchy – classic improv tools – improv also is about recognizing that you can’t just imagine the machine gun to kill the imaginary serial killer. That’s not interesting. Glory I think does come up in improv as well, although I’m not sure it’s quite expressed like that. The idea is the counterpart to Honour: you can’t just imagine a machine gun but you can also imagine anything you want. The right answer is the answer within you, and like any artist the key is listening to yourself and letting it out, as big as you need to be. Some players of course always try to go too big, but a lot of others need help. I built Relics around the idea that you really can be as powerful as a God and run the universe if you want to, and I’ve been interested to see how many folks are reluctant to let loose both on the small scale of their abilities and the large scale of accepting responsibility. We actually expect RPG rules, most of the time, to tell us “no”. That’s what they’ve done for so long, on the assumption that if they didn’t, we’d just go straight to imagining the machine gun. We’re also told not to throw the campaign off. To be so into following tropes we follow the predicted pathway. And that means we have to unlearn the tendency to think small. Being allowed to do things. Which is part of that improv teaching of not feeling judged or constricted by the wrong answer.

And even Verve is part of improv as well, because part of learning improv too, because you learn about how to act, how to impart real meaning and strength behind every action and syllable, how acting is about broadcasting energy, as well as understanding how to use body language and space work to communicate the imagined reality. If you’re using your words to describe things then you do also need verve, and you need to understand that’s got nothing to do with being long-winded or over dramatic.

So I get no points for just rebranding good improv rules. Maybe half a point for expressing things in a way that don’t just feel like improv rules, because these are both good rules for writing as well. Things that your buddy who wouldn’t even think of calling RPGs improv might consider. In writing have a duty to your readers to keep things consistent and treat your art like it matters and the world as if it is real, and you have to honour the conflicts you create and not just flick a switch and solve everything. Bad things have to happen to innocent people in stories, and as much as that’s your fault, it is also your responsibility.

Which brings us, sideways, to that ongoing question of what are we doing when we roleplay? Some are absolutely not intent in making a story, except by accidental by-product; and many who create a story are doing it to live through it, not perform it. And yet, we are saying things that exist in a fictional world. We must therefore work within that sense. We can – and should! – follow the rules, and even consider them the first and most important thing. But we also know, even though it’s not really written down in any part of the rules of DnD, that if the GM says there’s a dragon in front of us, we have to act as if the dragon is there. So we are telling a story, or at least building one. We can’t get away from the fictional nature of it all. Some people prefer story-maker to story-teller. That can take the pressure off. And yet, unless this is purely solo, and even then, the story is being expressed somehow. As we think about the elements, we imagine what they might look like, sound like, feel like – that is communication, that is taking the story and giving it a sense of itself. That is telling the story. So I think it is fair to always bring these elements forward.

As I say, no real points for the new nomenclature (and it’s a very masculine, ancient Rome kind of word choice, I know). But these four things are easy to remember. THAT might be useful. If you don’t have time to read a whole copy of Improv for Roleplayers, or need a quick handy guide, you’ve got these four principles to fall back on. Duty, Honour, Glory, Verve. We could add an mnemonic device, too, like Game Violence Doesn’t Hurt.

Anyway, these four pop up in lots of my games, explicitly or implicitly. Maybe they’ll help you with how you play or how you create games or guide players to doing cool stuff. That is always the goal – and that’s true whether you’re designing RPGs, facilitating them or playing them, your job most of the time is to help everyone be incredibly cool. Maybe these four things will help.

The Seasoned Gamer Challenge

I love learning new games. In fact, it might be my favourite thing about games. I think learning the rules is not just part of a game it is a kind of game in itself. One I’m great at and love. A big part of gaming is exploration and that’s what learning is: finding out what you can and can’t do, what you want and don’t want and how to get the former and avoid the latter, and seeing how the game communicates all of that and gives it meaning. It’s like diving into an ocean: a whole new world of physics to grapple with and levers to pull.

For the young people, this is Salt-n-Pepa, the world’s greatest rap trio. This is a pun on seasoned.”

But I also like exploring games further. I may not be a gamer who plays something on BGA two hundred times in a week so I’m absolutely sure on the win to pay ratio of cards x and y. But exploration isn’t just the first dive in. Exploration is also the languid wanderings and deeper longer looks. The whimsical experiments down winding paths and the mistakes and getting lost. It’s a conversation with the rules, the designer, the art director, with yourself and with your players. It’s also a feature in your life. I remember the years we we played Warhammer and Shadowrun every week, that one afternoon where we played Settlers of Catan four times in a row, that period where we couldn’t wait to get Dominion back to the table with new people and new combos. I remember the year we got Pandemic and cards like One Quiet Night and Airlift became part of our language and thought processes, shorthand for good things we craved and things we felt in our blood and bones when they arrived. Likewise we played Arkham Horror so much we had our own in-jokes and barely had to think about our opening moves. We built up our own mythologies about how hard it was to get a job on the newspaper and why the Woods were so dangerous

And meanwhile I don’t remember the day at a con when I played six new games.

We all have too many games. We know this. It’s why terms like Shelf of Shame exist and why someone invented the 10×10 challenge (aiming to play 10 games 10 times each in a year). Both of those don’t address the core problem though: we’re BUYING too many games. No matter how much we try to keep playing, more games are coming in. I’m in a weekly gaming group now where we never play the same game twice. Why not? Because it’s unfair. Everyone has a shelf of shame ten feet high and wants their games to get to the table. We can’t circle back, it would be special treatment.

And here’s the real talk part: the fact that we buy so many games is bad for the hobby. It’s bad for design. Kickstarter and crowdfunding have been amazing for access and getting more games out, but it created more and more a trend where buying is more important than playing. Because with crowdfunding we can never try before we buy, and that means, inevitably, companies focus on what gets you to buy, not what gets you to keep playing. They know the average number of times a game is played is creeping closer and closer to 1 and might even be below 1 now. So they don’t need it to be good. Or different. Or robust. I’m not saying design is getting necessarily worse. But there is a lack of pressure on it to be better.

Meanwhile, the sheer volume and the need to appeal to the familiar means games are getting more homogenous. Since you aren’t going to play 100 games of your favourite trick taker, and find all its wonderful variations, you can play 100 different trick takers…but each one ends up feeling the same. I don’t mean variety for the sake of variety but every thing I play is starting to feel the same.

Or worse: just very middling and uninspired. Homogeneity means we keep reusing tools that work, but we’re not actually choosing the exact right tools, nor are we shaping them to fit. We’re just cutting things up and putting them back in, like a movie made only of cliches from other movies. This can get the job done but it’s not really good. And so so many games I find just leave me hollow. They are workable, but not great. Not quite finished or not quite playtested enough with enough different people. Mistakes haven’t been picked up. Rough edges aren’t smoothed off. Fiddliness not resolved into elegance.

I know some people won’t care, or think I’m an old man yelling at the cloud. In the same way I know most people don’t care about bad movies or bad books. They just want them to be there and take up space and maybe have a cute dragon in them. And that’s fine. But I do care. I care very much. And if nothing else, I think we should talk about it, which is what I hope this post encourages.

So here’s the challenge: I think every game worth its salt should be played at least fifty times to get the most out of it. I think I’d like to see the average for every game get up to fifty. But when I actually think about it, I’ve probably only played Ticket to Ride 20 times and that seems a lot. So let’s halve that. 25 times. Actually, you know what? Pandemic Legacy, if you won every chapter, was only 12 times and it was a masterpiece. So let’s say I want you to play every game you buy 12 times. Not every game in the world, mind you: JUST THE ONES YOU BUY.

And let’s assume you’re a seasoned gamer. This is something of a hobby for you. So we might assume you play games once a week. You might skip a week now and then, but you also might play two or three or four games on a night. Or a whole bunch at a convention. The average of one a week seems fair. So this means if you buy a game every three months, you can play it for twelve weeks then buy a new one. And therein lies the name of this challenge: you, the seasons gamer, can buy a game once per season.

Note you can PLAY as many games as you like. I don’t care what you play. But if you buy any games, you get four a year. One per season. Note this also doesn’t include free games, or games you borrow or games from a library. Only ones you pay money for. You get four of those a year. You get to decide if it counts when you back the kickstarter or when it arrives, but you only count those once. Also? If it comes from a charity shop it doesn’t count. Second hand purchase? You can count that as a half. And if you SELL a game on or give one away, it wipes out a purchase. If you donate it or put it in a street library, it can wipe out two! Because that’s stopping others from buying.

And I know, as a game publisher, I don’t want to be the one not encouraging sales. But I’m going to do it anyway. Maybe this is stupid of me. Maybe I’m missing the point. I’ll take criticism because it might just get this more talked about. Because I do think we’re just buying too much, and I think it’s bad for us, it’s bad for the industry and its bad for design. It’s probably not great for the environment either. It’s a consumerist mindset too, of valuing ownership over enjoyment. I think if we buy less we might actually share more. And believe me, I also know how much I want to be the nerd who owns the thing, so I can take it home and stroke it and feel special instead of having to look on from the sidelines. It is lovely to own things. But that turns this hobby into an endless game of consumership and oneupmanship, a game we can never ever win because there will always be another game that someone has and we don’t. We’re not just not playing our games, we’re robbing ourselves of every part of the joy. We’ve turned gaming as a hobby into nothing but collecting and owning, and then ripping the joy away from that as well because we can never really get enough.

Plus, it can be a whole different kind of lovely to open a game someone else has loved as well, with little notes on the scoresheets and bumps of love on the corners. Having fun with it then passing it back. and talking about how it went. The truth is games were never meant to be hung on the walls like art: they are meant to be like books, showing the wear and tear of hundreds of readers that came before, and will come after. And even if you do love having things to hold and admire, wouldn’t you rather curate that down to the very best? The most meaningful? The things that you really love?

So there it is: the Seasoned Gamer Challenge. Buy one game a season, and no more. If you set yourself this challenge this year, post about it. #seasonedgamerchallenge If you make it, or don’t, talk about that too. Talk about how buying things can end up running and ruining our lives. Because once we talk about this, we can figure out what to do about it.

Some Small World Ideas

Finally catching up to the Small World craze, here are my Race and Power ideas for critique:

Golems 9

When in Decline, other players may conquer regions your Golems occupy as if they were empty. This still counts as a battle for Orcs, Skeletons etc

This models Golems “shutting down” or breaking when they can’t work any more.  Close to the Power “Vanishing” from SW: Underground.

Priests 6 (15 in tray)

For every region your Priests hold at the start of their turn, you may take an extra Priest from the tray.

It’s like the Skeleton ability but you have to take and hold.  Maybe should be just 5 to start – but it does make you a target.

Unicorns 6

At the end of every other players’ turn while your Unicorns are active, they gain one additional coin if they did not attack or use their Race or Special Effect on your Unicorns.

Unicorns giving you a boon for being peaceful – to them.  A reverse of Peace-Loving.

Centaurs 7

Place the two Charge tokens in any two regions adjacent to regions your Centaurs occupy. Centaurs may charge through that region and attack the next, thus reaching regions they are not adjacent to. At the end of the turn, return the Charge tokens to your hand.

I’ve seen this on the net as Frogmen who can use this constantly, but that seems too powerful, especially since it duplicates the ability of the river-leaping Lizardmen and makes the Quarrelling power way too awesome.

Nimble 5

You may conquer any Swamp and Forest Regions with one less Race token than usual. A minimum of one token is still required.

A simple twist on Mounted, with the other two areas. Haven’t seen this one on the net but seems quite obvious!

Gangs Of 5

When you conquer a region, you require one less Race token for each Region adjacent to the target beyond the first that you occupy. For example if you target a region and you occupy three adjacent regions, you require two fewer tokens. A minimum of one token is still required.

This one IS on the net a lot, called Surrounding, Tactical, Flanking or Overrunning.

Defiant 5

At the end of any players’ turn in which your active Race had tokens returned to your hand, you may Redeploy these tokens as if in your Redeployment phase. You may only place tokens in regions you still own. You may never conquer new regions, gain new tokens fron the tray or use Race or Special powers during this step. If you own no regions at the end of the turn, skip this step.

I’d like there’d to be some way to retreat not into your hand, so you can do the Priestesses trick every turn, in a sense – bottle up on something you really value to stop losing it or block another player from taking it. This may be too weak.

Tax 3

At the end of your turn, gain one coin from each player who controls an active race that you did not attack this turn. Races in Decline never pay tax.

Like Thieving (from SW: Underworld) but you don’t have to be adjacent – but like Peace-Loving you can’t attack. Basically it is a variable Peace-Loving, which gives you +3 if you attack nobody. I also love the idea of having Tax Ogres, say.

Men v Misogyny – the Crowdsourcing Begins

Well, we’re going to give the MESSAGE idea a go and see what happens. I got a wonderful person to help out, I’ve lined up a designer to make the logo, now we just need some cash to pay the designer and set up the initial website. So off to crowdsourcing we go. I use IndieGoGo because they are much more flexible and cheaper than Kickstarter. You can find the campaign here:

It went up on the weekend and we’re already more than halfway to out goal, which is awesome! Clearly some people care enough about this to put their money where their mouths are! But its not just about the money, its about getting the word out – if this is going to work, it will need a lot of people to buy in to the idea, in the figurative sense, so even if they don’t fund it, they need to hear about it and talk about it. So please make sure to spread the link everywhere you can! Your favourite RPG and computer game forums! Your fellow guild members! Your twitter followers! Your mom! Your dentist!

Maybe not your dentist. (I hear he’s a jerk.)